Aging Services

1010 Manor Drive W.

  • Aging Services Mission Statement
  • The Foundation's Giving Opportunities are listed in the middle of the page.
  • Trustees are listed at the bottom of the page.

    Our Mission

    The Seward Aging Services Foundation is committed to better living for older citizens in and around Seward by providing programs and services at the Lied Senior Center which impact their lives.

    The commitment is a tradition, begun in 1991, of meeting the challenges of today and tomorrow that threaten older persons' independent living and their quality of life.

    Maintaining the Center as a place where friendship and companionship flourish is essential. It is a place to meet with friends and make new ones. It provides opportunities in health enrichment, social activities, education, volunteering and entertainment.

    Transportation to and from the Lied Senior Center and to other places within the city allows older citizens the opportunity to remain active and independent, rather than isolated and alone.

    Seward Aging Services Foundation
    1010 Manor Drive West
    Seward NE 68434


    Giving Opportunities

    All gifts, whether by living gift or bequest, will be placed in trust and combined with the contributions of other donors. Only the yield from these investments will be drawn upon, leaving the principal intact. The Foundation can accept either discretionary or designated gifts. You may specify whether your gift is to be put in the general fund or used for a particular purpose.

    Discretionary Funds
    When you set up a Discretionary Fund, you help the Foundation carry out its mission to fund various programs specifically for older citizens. The Discretionary Fund allows the Foundation the flexibility to address the most pressing needs now and in the future.

    Designated Funds Designated Funds may be established for a specific program or purpose. You have the opportunity to give your family name an honored place in the philanthropic history of Seward or remain anonymous. Investments may include cash, securities, or property given during your lifetime or by bequest.

    The Foundation is a 501(c)(3)
    All gifts are tax deductible

    Cash gifts of any amount can be given to the Seward Aging Services Foundation.

    Stocks, bonds and other securities can make ideal gifts. If you make a charitable gift of securities, you will receive a charitable deduction for the full market value of the securities and avoid capital gains on the appreciation.

    Real Estate
    The gift of real estate is generally treated like a gift of appreciated stock. A deduction is available on the full appraised value of the property and you avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation if the real estate has been held long term. You could consider giving a remainder interest to the Foundation while retaining the right to use the property for your lifetime or the joint lifetimes of you and your spouse. This type of gift generates a substantial charitable deduction in the year it is given.

    Life Insurance
    Life insurance is an ideal gift to the Foundation, especially if you have carried the policy for many years and no longer need it for the security of your family. A future gift is possible by naming the Foundation as beneficiary.

    Gifts by Will
    A bequest through your will is an excellent method of support.

    You Can Help
    The opportunity, security and independence we enjoy today are an important living legacy. Seward's aging services are both a gift and a challenge to our community from one generation to the next. The challenge to us all is to ensure the continued existence and expansion of these essential services and the facilities where they are now provided. That challenge is now in our hands. Please join in ensuring that the services will be there ready to serve generations to come.

    All donors will be recognized on the published annual report. Donors of gifts in the ranges noted below may be recognized on an appropriate plaque or remain anonymous. Memorial designations are welcome.

    The levels and designations on the plaque will be:
    • Benefactor ---- $100,000 and above
    • Patron ---------- $75,000 - $99,999
    • Sponsor -------- $50,000 - $74,999
    • Supporter ------ $25,000 - $49,999
    • Friend ------------- $500 - $24,999

    All gifts are tax deductible

    Donors are encouraged to consult with an attorney in making a will or designing a trust.

    Checks should be made payable to the:

    Seward Aging Services Foundation
    1010 Manor Drive West
    Seward, NE 68434

    A 501-C-3 Corporation


    Aging Services Trustees

    Trustees of the Foundation will provide information to you upon request

    For a visit with a trustee, please contact:

  • Allan R. Roth, 643-3602
  • Richard Sommerfeld, 643-4343
  • Ted von Fange, 643-2455, [email protected]

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